Ten characteristics of a cracking sports club PRO

  1. When everyone else is getting excited, or down in the mouth, the PRO is thinking about a photograph, an update on Club Radio, a Tweet or a call to the local radio station.
  2. They think about today – and they think about the future. They value archiving and appreciate that by capturing events properly today, they are writing the history of the club, match by match, homecoming by homecoming, accolade by accolade.
  3. When someone dies who made a great contribution, they think about getting something appropriate written up and publicised.
  4. They identify talented people within the club – or beyond it – who can help out: photographers, commentators, social media gurus and more.
  5. They ensure that people get recognised for what they do.
  6. They check the spellings of names.
  7. They faithfully report the success of one of their members, even if it’s not in their colours – it could be for their college, their school or a representative team. ‘One of our own’ is, always, ‘one of our own’.
  8. They have Google Alerts and Twitter searches set up for relevant terms to avoid missing out on the successes mentioned in the previous point.
  9. They think about having a cup of tea for the reporters at the game.
  10. Checks the score with the referee at half-time and again at full-time.

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