Grange Book Club, Killiney, Co. Dublin, recently featured Second Chance & Other Stories as their book of the month. It scored 8/10 and here is a flavour of the reviews:
“It is a book to read and read again, slowly, give each story time to think about, loved the writing style, the obvious questions when finishing the story, what happened next?…why?…..writing excellent, a bit intense, is it based on personal experience?…great potential” – Grange Book Club reader
“A breath of fresh air,wonderful snapshots, set in west of Ireland…the demon drink mentioned, loneliness and longing, death mentioned many times, loved the open endings…excellent” – Grange Book Club reader
“Enjoyed, sad stories and uplifting at the end…a lot have to do with death….middle aged in NY listening to RTE….the return of the Spanish man after 14 years” – Grange Book Club reader
“Having reread Mary Lavin The Becker Wives recently, this book Second Chance was a breath of fresh air…some lovely stories, would have wished that the stories were longer, some felt very authentic, the characters were clearly drawn, I would recommend this book and was delighted that it was chosen for the book club” – Grange Book Club reader
“Very impressive collection, each story stands out, characters recognizable and authentic…beautiful phrases and obviously huge amount of time invested in writing each story…looking forward to seeing his novel” – Grange Book Club reader
“I loved Second Chance & Other Stories. It’s really stunning. The author’s interest in people and his open mindedness really comes through. The characters are humanely written and the settings are familiar and warm, yet fresh. There’s such a tenderness and honesty to the stories, yet a real ambition in exploring new and complex psychologies and emotions. The prose is excellent too: not quite spare, but not over descriptive. Just what’s needed. The stories are an affirmation of humanity, curiosity, and compassion. It was a pleasure reading the book” – Ashley Cahillane, Galway
“Each story is a delightful read that immerses you and leaves you wanting more, before plunging you into the next one. The book deals with loss to central figures in your life, nostalgia, battles with existential crisis and our mortality” – Tomás Keating, Western People. Read full review and interview HERE
“One theme commonly recurs through this fine collection of work: that of seeing beyond the present and into the weeks and years ahead. We all suffer knockdowns, none more than through the last few difficult years. At times it takes courage to stand straight. In Second Chance and Other Stories we have real, believable heroes who set out not to save the world, but to save themselves and their friends and to make a distinctly human connection even with total strangers” – Michael Kingdon, Connaught Telegraph. Read full review HERE
“I have just finished reading this book of short stories. I thoroughly enjoyed every story, and I had a few favourites i.e. Going Back, The Squat Pen and Talk of Regret. Liam Horan has his finger firmly on the pulse of contemporary Ireland. The characters are so relatable, and the themes reflect what can happen in everyday life in any part of Ireland. The plots were beautifully crafted and pulled at my heartstrings in many places. I felt I knew the characters and was sorry to say goodbye to them at the end of the stories. I would highly recommend this book and look forward to reading future books of short stories by this author” – Cathy O’ Sullivan, Douglas, Cork
“Horan knows the west of Ireland and its people and our ways intimately, and he conveys this masterfully in his collection of charming, sad, uplifting, reflective and, ultimately, very normal and everyday stories. The book succeeds because of the well-developed characters, their story and the premise that underscores their narrative…For instance, he covers superbly the relationship between Irish sons and their parents, where the love is often unspoken, even when both sides know the end is coming. The book will make you laugh. It might make you cry. Horan writes his characters with great understanding. One chapter deals with a woman who has been the victim of coercive control. It is not an easy topic for a man to write about, yet Horan does it very convincingly…It is no surprise to anyone who knows Horan that the book is so well written. The sentences flow seamlessly into each other and you find yourself whizzing through the chapters” – Edwin McGreal, Mayo News. Read full review and interview HERE
“In these times of high pace, interminable scrolling and post covid anxiety, concentration levels are at an all time low. So for me, it was an absolute delight to escape into the bit size stories of Liam Horan’s life size characters. His powers of observation are evident at every turn and give rise to a depth of emotion I would have thought way beyond the scope of the short story. The relatable characters drew me in immediately and I was bereft when I had to leave some of them behind. These stories are fillet steak – no waste and every sinew earning its keep. I enjoyed this so much and to be truthful, a lot more more than I expected to and am very excited to read the next collection. Would highly highly recommend” – Gwen Costello, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo
“I am after reading Second Chance and Other Stories by Liam Horan. A good selection of short stories – simple and clever, while dealing with more complicated issues. Waiting for the next round. Well done!” – John Flannelly, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo
“It’s a brilliant collection of stories, each one a very enjoyable read. I’m already looking forward to the next instalment” – Pat Conway, Knappaghbeg, Westport, Co. Mayo
“Beautifully crafted debut collection creating a very visual understanding of everyday life and characters…echoes of Claire Keegan and Donal Ryan travel through the prose. Outstanding…a must read” – Mary Halligan, Ballindine, Co. Mayo
“I was honoured to fall into the role of ‘early reader’ of this collection. It was quite the pleasure. To put it simply these stories made me feel good. Topics such as bereavement, relationship break-up, and anger management if covered by a less skilled writer could wear a person down, but the opposite is the case here. Beautifully told stories about the common trials and difficulties of everyday life are all covered with a light and humorous touch. While the stories are firmly set in the west of Ireland, the themes are universal. I was sorry to finish it and will be looking forward to the next instalment” – Colm Burtchaell, Marino Park, Marino, Dublin 3
“I congratulate Liam and welcome his collection of short stories. I enjoyed the read thoroughly. A lovely collection of stories for the coffee table delivering an eclectic group of characters, some challenged, some lonely, some in crisis – but all engaged in living, and therefore seeing through to hope and optimism. At times nostalgic and personal, usually universal, this collection leaves you feeling normal, understood and positively optimistic for the future.” – Tommy Morahan, Louisburgh, County Mayo